SGC is proud to offer both foundational and specialized Bylaw Officer training courses in Ontario and British Columbia.
Generally speaking, Bylaw Enforcement Officers are responsible for investigating, administering and enforcing the provisions of all by-laws of a Municipality, as well as applicable provincial statutes.
Bylaw enforcement officers are often out in the community responding to complaints from the public. They often work closely with local police, as well as provincial and federal authorities.
In Ontario, bylaw enforcement officers are generally titled municipal law enforcement officers, and in Newfoundland & Labrador, Alberta and the Northwest Territories, the term municipal enforcement officer is also used.
Police Departments are under increasing social and financial pressure to provide services efficiently and more cost-effectively. Many city governments see bylaw officers as attractive alternatives to police for enforcement of municipal bylaws and less serious offence enforcement.
Please follow the links below to our Bylaw Course pages and relevant FAQ pages.
Ontario Bylaw Officer Core Competency Course and FAQ page.
Ontario Parking Bylaw Enforcement Officer Course (MLEO) and FAQ page.
Ontario Animal Control Bylaw Officer Course and FAQ page.
B.C. Bylaw Enforcement Officer Course and FAQ page.